Elementary age tutoring in Math, Reading, Writing and Phonics
$25- 35 per session
Our tutors will develop a program specific to your child, and ensure they give the support and encouragement required to help your child achieve success in school. The tutor will work with you to determine target areas, and build the program with those in mind.
Our tutors have degrees in elementary education or university/college degrees in areas related to the subject they are tutoring.
If your child is in Block 8 after school program, the tutor can sign your child out (with your written permission) from care, and sign them back in afterwards.
There will be a maximum of 3 students in a session, sessions only take place on days that SD43 is in session.
Initial commitment of 8 sessions. Tutoring sessions are ongoing weekly or bi-weekly; 30 days noticed prior to cancellation. 2 make- up classes per school year.
Call us at 604-722-6646 to book your time. Current openings are between 5:00pm and 6:30pm on Mon- Wed.
If you have a PreAuthorized Debit form on file with us, you may use AUTHORIZEDPAD as the coupon code, to authorize us to take the monthly payment when we run the PAD transactions at the beginning of each month.
If you would prefer to pay by e-transfer, cash or cheque, use PAYOFFLINE as the coupon code.